The Audi Multimedia Interface (MMI) consists of the in-dash display screen and its center-console controls (plus optional media drives). These enable you to select and operate navigation, audio choices, and Wi-Fi. You can also control many of these same features right from the steering wheel.
To maximize your experience, it's helpful to familiarize yourself with the main controls. The mobility specialist at the vehicle pick-up location is happy to assist you in learning about any of the features.
Center console MMI controls: Each of these controls works in a consistent way across all the technology features, though the context will vary:
- Main knob: Turn the main knob to scroll among menu choices on the screen. Tap to select the highlighted choice.
- Silver buttons: Located left and right of the control knob, are used to access sub menus. Use the silver buttons to choose those menu items displayed in each of in the four corners of the screen.
- Silver Toggle Switches: Use the Silver toggle switches to jump among the major categories of features, like navigation, phone ("tel"), and radio.
- Touch Pad: Use the top of the scroll wheel to write and touch for selections.